Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last Saturday I went to my home town Taiping as I got appoinment with my doctor. I'm 34weeks pregnant and I had a shocking news from doctor after done my regular scanning. My baby is weighing 3.2kg and might be deliver any time. But he said its quite normal and nothing to worry; It's just that i need to be extra careful ready.....After check up, I was really under stress as I haven't prepared anything yet. I need to handover my projects everything to those will be replacing me during my absences. It should be by done by end of October but now I need to do it immediately. My son was having flu and fever and I need to take care of him too. It was really hectic and terrible weekend for me. I'm praying to god to delay abit my delivery. I really hope for it as I don't want my baby to come out in rush!

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