Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Its already 2 months ++ I didn't post anything....Its not I'm not in track but I became mom for second time. I delivered a cute n bubbly baby boy on 2nd November 2010. Vissnu become big brother and he is behaving like big B. We named the new born Vidhur and the meaning of the name is skilful, expert and wisest miniter's name in the great mahabaratha epic. It was unique and simple. about 2 week ago I was handling both of them alone at home plus with house chores.Now I'm in work place and both brothers are under baby sitter care. I'm just trying to make Vissnu understand on his part as brother. He helping me in many ways. When the little one cry, Big B always alert me on that. He also helping me to change the napkin.

I just started to read story book to Vissnu before go to bed. He is happy on that and keep on reminding me to read for him if I had forget.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last Saturday I went to my home town Taiping as I got appoinment with my doctor. I'm 34weeks pregnant and I had a shocking news from doctor after done my regular scanning. My baby is weighing 3.2kg and might be deliver any time. But he said its quite normal and nothing to worry; It's just that i need to be extra careful ready.....After check up, I was really under stress as I haven't prepared anything yet. I need to handover my projects everything to those will be replacing me during my absences. It should be by done by end of October but now I need to do it immediately. My son was having flu and fever and I need to take care of him too. It was really hectic and terrible weekend for me. I'm praying to god to delay abit my delivery. I really hope for it as I don't want my baby to come out in rush!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

1st Day of Being Blogger!

I'm a new blogger and this is my 1st post! Before creating this blog, there were a lot of things in my mind but now really don't have any idea on what to write over here. Maybe it's due to 1st time sharing my precious moments with family and friends, especially my loveable son Vissnu. He is the boost of my life! He is 2 years 8 months old but looks a bit matured, skinny and tall like his dad and mom. Yeah, we are tall but to be frank not skinny.  Tomorrow, there will be more things to be shared.